Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Could This Be the Key to a Better Night’s Sleep?

How well you snooze at night has a lot to do with how you spend your days—sleep quality has been linked with everything from diet and exercise to electronic screen use. Now, a new study suggests that something a little less tangible may play a role, as well: People who have a strong purpose in life tend to sleep better through the night, with fewer symptoms of sleep apnea (Sleep apnea (AP-ne-ah) is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep) and restless legs.

Published in the journal “Sleep Science and Practice”, the study suggests that cultivating a sense of purpose could be a good drug-free strategy for improving shut-eye. And while the study only included adults ages 60 and up, the authors say their findings would likely apply to younger age groups, as well.

The researchers, from Northwestern University and Rush University Medical Center, knew that sense of purpose—defined in the study as “having aspirations and goals for the future and feeing that experiences in life are meaningful”—has been linked with numerous health outcomes, including reduced risks of stroke and disability and a longer life. It’s also been shown to improve sleep when measured at a single point in time.

To study the connection over a longer period, the researchers recruited 823 participants, average age 79, and gave them a survey to assess their overall sleep quality and the likelihood they suffered from conditions such as sleep apnea (which affects breathing and oxygen levels during sleep) and restless leg syndrome (during which uncomfortable sensations and an urge to move keep people awake at night).

The participants also answered questions to determine their psychological well-being and whether they had a purpose in life. Specifically, they were asked to rate their responses to statements such as, “I feel good when I think of what I’ve done in the past and what I hope to do in the future,” and “some people wander aimlessly through life, but I am not one of them.”

Overall, those who scored higher on the purpose-in-life questionnaire were 63 percent less likely to have sleep apnea and 52 percent less likely to have restless leg syndrome than those who scored lower. They also had moderately better sleep-quality scores at the start of the study and showed increased improvement over a one-year period.

“One interpretation of our findings is that individuals with a high purpose in life tend to have better overall mental and physical health,” the authors wrote. In other words, they sleep better because they have fewer health issues keeping them up at night. Another possibility is that people with higher levels of purpose tend to engage in more healthy behaviors, such as exercise, regular doctor’s visits, and relaxing hobbies.

This finding could be especially important for older adults, the authors say, since insomnia and other sleep problems tend to increase with age. Doctors prefer to treat these issues without pharmaceuticals, when possible, and this study may suggest that having a good reason to get up every morning may help in that regard.

This study is also significant in that more than half of the participants were African-American—a group that’s often left out of scientific research, and that tends to have higher rates of sleep disturbance than their white peers. “It appears that for both African American and White American older adults, the more meaning and purpose one has in daytime activities, the better one tends to sleep at night,” the authors wrote in their paper.

Addressing sleep disorders and disturbances is vital to overall health, the authors wrote: Poor-quality shut-eye has been linked to many physical and mental health problems, including depression, heart disease, and impaired physical functioning.
The authors say the next step in this research should be to study exactly how people can find or enhance their purpose in life—perhaps through mindfulness-based therapies. If those enhancements do, in fact, improve sleep, they could be a valuable tool for improving shut-eye for people of all ages.

RELATED: The Surprising Benefit of Night Showers
Showering earlier in the evening gives your body a chance to cool off and can even trigger sleep, says Shelby Harris, director of behavioral sleep medicine at New York’s Montefiore Medical Center. Several studies have shown that warming your body by taking a bath can help induce sleep when there’s enough time to cool off afterward. While much of the research has focused on baths, a 20-minute shower would have similar effects, Harris says.

Time your shower so you’re done about an hour and a half before you want to hit the sack, Harris recommends. That way, by the time you lay down in bed, your body will be cool, dry and ready for sleep.

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Monday, July 10, 2017

Women's Health: Yeast Infections

Vaginal yeast infection facts

  • Most vaginal yeast infections are caused by the organism Candida albicans.
  • Yeast infections are very common and affect up to 75% of women at some point in their lifetime.
  • The main symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is itching, but burning, discharge, and pain with urination or intercourse can also occur.
  • Treatment involves topical or oral antifungal medications.
  • It is possible for a woman to transmit a yeast infection to a male sex partner, even though yeast infection is not considered to be a true sexually-transmitted disease (STD) because it can occur in women who are not sexually active.
  • Treatment of yeast infection in men, like in women, involves antifungal medications.
  • Keeping the vaginal area dry and avoiding irritating chemicals can help prevent yeast infections in women. Consuming foods with probiotics also may help.
What is a vaginal yeast infection?

A vaginal yeast infection is an infection caused by yeast (a type of fungus). Vaginal yeast infection is sometimes referred to as yeast vaginitis, Candidal vaginitis, or Candidal vulvovaginitis. The scientific name for the yeast that causes vaginitis is Candida. Over 90% of vaginal yeast infections are caused by the species known as Candida albicans. Other Candida species make up the remainder of yeast infections.

Candida species can be present in healthy women in the vagina without causing any symptoms. In fact, it is estimated that 20% to 50% of women have Candida already present in the vagina. For an infection to occur, the normal balance of yeast and bacteria is disturbed, allowing overgrowth of the yeast. While yeast can be spread by sexual contact, vaginal yeast infection is not considered to be a sexually-transmitted disease because it can also occur in women who are not sexually active, due to the fact that yeast can be present in the vagina of healthy women.
Vaginal yeast infections are very common, affecting up to 75% of women at some point in life.

Signs and symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection
  • a vaginal discharge that is typically thick,
  • odorless, and
  • whitish-gray in color.
The discharge has been described as having a cottage-cheese-like consistency.

Other symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include:
  • An intense itching of the vaginal or genital area
  • Irritation and burning
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pain or burning during urination
  • Redness, irritation, or soreness of the vagina or vulva in women; swelling of the vagina 
Vaginal yeast infections occur when new yeast is introduced into the vaginal area, or when there is an increase in the quantity of yeast already present in the vagina relative to the quantity of normal bacteria. For example, when the normal, protective bacteria are eradicated by antibiotics (taken to treat a urinary tract, respiratory, or other types of infection) or by immunosuppressive drugs, the yeast can multiply, invade tissues, and cause irritation of the lining of the vagina (vaginitis).

Vaginal yeast infections can also occur as a result of injury to the inner vagina, such as after chemotherapy. Also, women with suppressed immune systems (for example, those taking cortisone-related medications such as prednisone) develop vaginal yeast infections more frequently than women with normal immunity.

Other conditions that may predispose women to developing vaginal yeast infections include
  • diabetes,
  • pregnancy, and
  • taking oral contraceptives.
The use of douches or perfumed vaginal hygiene sprays may also increase a woman's risk of developing a vaginal yeast infection.

A vaginal yeast infection is not considered to be a sexually transmitted disease (STD), since Candida may be present in the normal vagina, and the condition does occur in celibate women.
However, it is possible for men to develop symptoms of skin irritation of the penis from a yeast infection after sexual intercourse with an infected partner, although this is not always the case.

What may increase my risk of getting a vaginal yeast infection?

Women who have conditions that result in decreased immune function are more likely than others to develop yeast infections. These include women with cancer or receiving cancer chemotherapy, those with diabetes, and women taking steroid medications.

Pregnant women and women taking oral contraceptives are also at increased risk.

Taking antibiotics for any reason can alter the normal bacterial populations in the vagina and predispose to the overgrowth of yeast.

Taking steps to reduce moisture in the genital area can reduce the chances of developing a yeast infection. Wearing cotton underwear or underwear with a cotton crotch, wearing loose-fitting pants, and avoiding prolonged wearing of wet workout gear or bathing suits are all measures that can help control moisture, and may help reduce the chance of getting a yeast infection. 

How can vaginal yeast infections be prevented?

Because yeast can be present normally in the vagina of healthy women, not all yeast infections can be prevented. However, it is possible to take preventive measures that may reduce your risk of getting a yeast infection. These include always cleaning the genital area from front to back and changing out of wet bathing suits or damp clothes as soon as possible. Wearing loose-fitting cotton underwear can help reduce moisture and prevent yeast infections. Since chemical irritants can influence the balance of bacteria in the vagina, avoiding products with potential irritants like douches or scented tampons can also help. 

Regular baths or showers are an adequate way to cleanse the vagina, and douching is not recommended and may actually increase your risk of yeast infection.
Some evidence shows that consumption of foods with probiotics (healthy bacteria that are normally found in the body) like probiotic-containing yogurt may help prevent yeast infections.

What about recurrent yeast infections?

A recurrent yeast infection occurs when a woman has four or more infections in one year that are not related to antibiotic use. Recurrent yeast infections may be related to an underlying medical condition such as impaired immunity and may require more aggressive treatment. This can include longer courses of topical treatments, oral medications, or a combination of the two.

Can a man get a yeast infection from his sexual partner?

Most experts do not consider yeast infection to be a sexually-transmitted disease, but cases of irritation and itching of the penis in men have been reported after sexual contact with a woman with a yeast infection, so it is possible for an infected woman to spread the infection to her male sex partner. Treatment of male sexual partners is not considered necessary unless the man develops symptoms.

How can you protect yourself from contracting a yeast infection from your sexual partner?

Condoms may help prevent transmission of a yeast infection from women to men, but they are not completely effective since there may be contact with areas of the body not covered by the condom.
Avoiding intercourse when a woman has symptoms of a yeast infection is the best way to prevent spreading of the infection.

CDC: "Genital/Vulvovaginal Candidiasis"

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Friday, July 7, 2017

20 Tips For a Healthy, Happy and Energized Weekend

If you're heading into the weekend feeling dead from your strenuous work or school week, then listen up! It's time to shake off the stress from your Monday-Friday schedule so you can celebrate health and embrace happiness.

Weekend is the perfect time for relaxation, fun, and family time!  However, oftentimes, we tend to put our healthy options behind during the weekends because we feel like having fun is more important.  We need to remember that being truly healthy is a lifestyle choice, and that even during weekends, we can all make healthier choices to ensure consistency within our healthy lifestyles. 

There are so many super-simple, positive tricks you can add into your routine; here are some great ways to be good to yourself and your body — and you'll reap the benefits of a serious mood boost, too;
  1. Go into the weekend with a healthy mindset: Go into the weekend thinking you are going to stay on track, you’re more likely to actually stick with your plan that way!
  2. Start your day off Right:  Start your meal with a plate full of salad, not only is it full of nutrients, but it will also curb hunger and keep you from over-eating. Use low calorie dressing for your salad like lemon and vinegar with olive oil. These alternatives are better than using mayonnaise or any other ranch style dressings.
  3. Go outside: And stay outside! It's good for your eyes, prevents myopia (especially after staring at a screen all day), and will give you a healthy dose of vitamin D. Try an outdoor adventure.
  4. Active Eating:  Choose a normal restaurant over a buffet to avoid over-eating. Restaurants with a pool or dance floor are great weekend destinations. A picnic spot or a resort where you can play different games like table tennis, lawn tennis or basketball are also great destinations to spend your weekend in a healthy way.
  5. Order wisely when Eating Out:  For starters, order dishes which are grilled, baked and steamed instead of those that are fried. For a main course, choose lean meats, chicken and fish such as salmon and trout instead of lamb or beef. Order at least two side dishes of vegetables. Dishes with tomato, bitter leaves or huckleberry are great choice over those with white or cheese sauce.
  6. Small Portions are Key:  Moderation is the key to keep those extra calories off. Instead of opting for bigger portions, take small portions at one time.
  7. Fruits after meals: Instead of ice cream or beer take fruits.
  8. Drink more water: Find a water bottle you love and keep it full all weekend long. Doing so causes a boost in metabolism, and helps with weight-loss goals, improved energy, and glowing skin.
  9. Disconnect: Turn off your phone and computer when you can. It will help you relieve stress; we all know that stress = cortisol, a stress-induced hormone that slows the metabolism and increases fat retention.
  10. Try New Social Gatherings: Weekends should not be about food but rather they should be about spending fun time with your loved ones. A movie/ TV-series marathon with friends along with healthy food options like fruits & salads, a game of basketball or football, a trip to the beach or an early morning trek are just as amazing options to spend you weekend in a healthy way.  A house party with home cooked food or a cook-off at your place with friends are also great away of making those Sundays exciting.
  11. Get ZZZ's: Speaking of which, catch up on sleep while you can! It aids in weight loss, energy levels, mood, and overall health.
  12. Diffuse and unwind with soothing essential oils like lavender and eucalyptus.
  13. Move a little more: Try a low-key workout to keep your body moving.
  14. Make some tea: A cup of green tea has ample amounts of magnesium, B vitamins, and L-theanine — the anti-stress trifecta!
  15. Get organized: Use your downtime to prep healthy meals for the rest of the week, clean up clutter, and eliminate any stressors.
  16. Try a new workout: Science shows that new exercises aren't just great for your body, but that they're good for your brain, too!
  17. Meditate often: Set aside time to meditate and clear your mind from your hectic week.
  18. Set a new goal, and start planning it: Have you been thinking about a half marathon? Maybe a backpacking trip? Pick a date, an event, and a training plan and get started.
  19. Listen to happy music and go for a run. Music is known to reduce stress!
  20. Start Fresh on Monday:  After the amazing weekend, it is very important to get back to regular eating patterns and diet from Monday. To make up for the extra calories consumed during your weekend, consume a high protein, low carbohydrate diet dinner, low fat cheese, egg white preparations, for two days after that amazing weekend.
NOTE: Take time every day to invest in your health; the HelpYourself mobile application will help you achieve this by providing you daily health tips, info and more for FREE! Don’t hesitate to DOWNLOAD at

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Health Tips on Lowering Risk of a Heart Attack or Stroke

Sometimes, small changes to your lifestyle can really cut your odds of having a heart attack or stroke. Try this step-by-step approach.

1. Exercise a Little Each Day

Moderate physical activity lowers your chances of a heart attack. Shoot for 30 minutes of exercise that gets your heart pumping at least 5 days a week. Brisk walking or swimming are some good choices. On the other 2 days, do strength training, like lifting weights.
If you've got a tight schedule, break your exercise routine into small chunks. Try a 15-minute walk in the morning and another before lunch.

2. Set a Reasonable Goal for Weight Loss

If you're overweight or obese, you don't have to get thin to reduce your risk for a heart attack or stroke. If you lose 5% to 10% of your weight, you'll improve your cholesterol numbers and lower your blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

3. Take Your Heart Medicine

It sounds like a no-brainer, but don't skip your meds. Many people don't take their medications the way their doctor told them to. Figure out what keeps you from taking your medicine -- it could be side effects, cost, or forgetfulness -- and ask your doctor for help.

4. Eat Well

If you stick to a healthy diet, you could lower your odds of getting heart disease.
Fill your plate with different kinds of:
  • Fruits
  • Veggies
  • Whole grains
  • Fish
  • Lean meats
Stay away from processed or prepared foods that often are high in salt and added sugar. They’re also filled with preservatives.

5. Drink Some Alcohol, but Not Too Much

If you drink, any type of alcohol helps your heart, but use caution. Too much raises your risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.
To get the benefit without the risk, stop at one drink a day if you're a woman and two if you're a man.

6. Eat a Little Chocolate

Go for dark chocolate, and make sure the ingredients are at least 70% cacao. It's filled with nutrients that help protect your ticker.
Keep your portions small so you don't gain weight and work your heart harder.

7. Don't Smoke

Smoking dramatically raises your risk of heart attacks and strokes. Talk to your doctor about how to quit. You'll also be doing your friends and family a favor, since secondhand smoke can also lead to heart disease.

8. Pay Attention to Your Symptoms

Don't just hope they'll go away. See your doctor if you feel anything unusual, like shortness of breath, changes in your heart rhythm, or extreme tiredness. Also, watch for pain in your jaw or back, nausea or vomiting, sweating, or flu-like symptoms.
  • American Heart Association: "Lifestyle Changes," "Smoking: Do You Really Know the Risks?" "Professional Dental Cleanings May Reduce Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke," "Recommendations for Heart Health."
  • Buitrago-Lopez A. BMJ, August 2011.
  • CDC: "Losing Weight," "Physical Activity for Everyone."
  • "Exercise and Your Heart," "Diet."
  • Naderi, S. American Journal of Medicine, 2012. 

NOTE: Take time every day to invest in your health; the HelpYourself mobile application will help you achieve this by providing you daily health tips, info and more for FREE! Don’t hesitate to DOWNLOAD at